Mari Carmen Orea Rojas
Este trabajo reflexiona en torno a una comparación entre dos personajes literarios para encontrar las características del individuo posmoderno. Sin embargo, se pretende llegar más allá de la caracterización de la posmodernidad, más bien, se hará la analogía de los personajes con la sobremodernidad, concepto desarrollado por el etnólogo Marc Augé y desde el cual se explica el exceso de estímulos sociales y la saturación resultante a la que está expuesta la sociedad actualmente. Uno de los personajes es Jean- Baptiste Grenouille, el protagonista de El Perfume, la obra de Patrick Süskind, conocido por ser un asesino en serie que busca encontrar el aroma perfecto. El otro, es Cyril Abercomby, del cuento La meta de un largo viaje, publicado en el libro La Prisión de la Libertad, de Michael Ende, un personaje cansado y aburrido del mundo a su alrededor, y que, se obsesiona con la búsqueda de un hogar propio. Estos dos personajes pueden explicar un fenómeno actual que es el de la saturación social, pero además, son un ejemplo para observar la forma en que el individuo se diluye. Son individuos en constante construcción hasta que deciden inmovilizarse en el tiempo y el espacio, dando origen a la metáfora de los que Augé llama los “no-lugares”.
This paper reflects on a comparison of two literary characters to find the character of the postmodern. However, it aims to reach beyond the characterization of postmodernism, rather, will the analogy of the characters with the supermodernity, a concept developed by anthropologist Marc Augé and from which to explain the excess of social stimuli and saturation resulting to which society is exposed today. One character is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the protagonist of The Perfume, Patrick Suskind's work, known as a serial murderer who seeks to find the perfect scent. The other is Cyril Abercomby, the story's goal of a long journey, published in the book The Prison of Freedom, by Michael Ende, a character tired and bored with the world around them, and that is obsessed with finding own a home. These two characters may explain a current phenomenon that is social saturation, but also are an example to see how the individual is diluted. Individuals are constantly building until they decide immobilized in time and space, giving rise to the metaphor of which Augé calls "non-places".
This paper reflects on a comparison of two literary characters to find the character of the postmodern. However, it aims to reach beyond the characterization of postmodernism, rather, will the analogy of the characters with the supermodernity, a concept developed by anthropologist Marc Augé and from which to explain the excess of social stimuli and saturation resulting to which society is exposed today. One character is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the protagonist of The Perfume, Patrick Suskind's work, known as a serial murderer who seeks to find the perfect scent. The other is Cyril Abercomby, the story's goal of a long journey, published in the book The Prison of Freedom, by Michael Ende, a character tired and bored with the world around them, and that is obsessed with finding own a home. These two characters may explain a current phenomenon that is social saturation, but also are an example to see how the individual is diluted. Individuals are constantly building until they decide immobilized in time and space, giving rise to the metaphor of which Augé calls "non-places".
Posmodernidad; sobremodernidad; literatura; saturación; no-lugar. Postmodernism; supermodernity; literature saturation non-place
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