M.ª Ángeles García, Vicente González, Carmen Ramos
Actualmente asistimos a la expansión de nuevas formas de interacción comunicativa, que la universidad contribuye a desarrollar con la implantación de los EVA. Con los EVA se fomenta un cambio metodológico que implica transformar la universidad de la enseñanza en la universidad del aprendizaje. Para ello se otorga a los estudiantes roles tradicionalmente desempeñados por el profesor, como el de creador y gestor de contenidos, y se fomenta el trabajo colaborativo con plataformas como Moodle. Está extendida la creencia de que los estudiantes, nativos digitales (Prensky, 2001) y usuarios de las redes sociales de comunicación, pueden adoptar estos roles porque transfieren habilidades comunicativas adquiridas en sus comportamientos cotidianos de interacción e intercambio de información digital a entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. La realidad es que los alumnos se sienten aún inmigrantes digitales en entornos académicos y fracasan en sus interacciones. Profesores y alumnos deben aún construir su sabiduría digital (Prensky, 2009).
Models of interaction in Virtual Learning Environments
Nowadays, new forms of communicative interaction are growing. Universities contribute to this development by promoting teaching in virtual learning environments. Thus, this requires a methodological change: from the teaching university towards the learning university. Therefore, students are given roles, which were traditionally held by teachers, like content creator and manager. Besides, collaborative work is promoted by using learning platforms like Moodle. A widely spread belief is that students are digital natives (Prensky, 2001) and expert users of communicative social networks und that they, therefore, can adopt such roles easily. The assumption is that they can transfer communicative abilities from their normal interaction and exchange of digital information patterns into virtual learning environments. But, in fact, they actually feel like digital immigrants in academic environments and, thus, they fail to interact effectively. Teachers and students still have to construct their digital wisdom (Prensky, 2009).
Models of interaction in Virtual Learning Environments
Nowadays, new forms of communicative interaction are growing. Universities contribute to this development by promoting teaching in virtual learning environments. Thus, this requires a methodological change: from the teaching university towards the learning university. Therefore, students are given roles, which were traditionally held by teachers, like content creator and manager. Besides, collaborative work is promoted by using learning platforms like Moodle. A widely spread belief is that students are digital natives (Prensky, 2001) and expert users of communicative social networks und that they, therefore, can adopt such roles easily. The assumption is that they can transfer communicative abilities from their normal interaction and exchange of digital information patterns into virtual learning environments. But, in fact, they actually feel like digital immigrants in academic environments and, thus, they fail to interact effectively. Teachers and students still have to construct their digital wisdom (Prensky, 2009).
interacción comunicativa, entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (EVA), foros, sabiduría digital, communicative interaction, virtual learning environments (VLE), forums, digital wisdom
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